I write most days, and I'm always thinking about the next story I want to tell. To date, I have written four novels, a children's picture book, two screenplays, and five digital games. My next few writing projects are graphic novels. The first graphic novel I had published was aimed adults, while my second is suitable for all ages.
“Engrossing...a thread of authentic, bone-deep fear...and all you ever needed to know about mountain biking.”
On the left, you can see the cover of my first graphic novel, ‘Two-Week Wait’, which I wrote with my wife Kelly as an attempt to explore the fraught and challenging journey a couple faces when they go through IVF. It was released in Australia, America, and the United Kingdom, and received glowing reviews from The Guardian Australia, Booksellers+Publishers, Publishers Weekly, the Sydney Morning Herald, and others. It was also shortlisted for best graphic medicine text of the year 2022 by the Graphic Medicine Association. If you’d like to know more tabout ‘Two-Week Wait, you can visit the official website at www.two-weekwait.com
“… The graphic novel form at its finest… an illuminating work of literature.” - Nicki Greenberg, Author/Illustrator
In 2019, I was very proud to be awarded a Creative Fellowship by the State Library of Victoria. This fellowship supported me, my wife Kelly, and our illustrator Maya Graham, to undertake focused reasearch at the State Library as we developed what will become my third graphic novel, the title of which I can’t mention yet. It will be published by Scribe in 2023. As part of the Fellowship, we received an office at the SLV and our own personal librarian!
In addition to the publications outlined above, I am excited to see the re-release of my Young Adult novels by Magnetic Force, beginning with ‘Sleeper’ in August 2022. Below, you can see some of the beautiful artwork from this re-release, including a cover by Mike Manalac and internal artwork by Matteo Leoni. If you’d like to make sure you know when this and other books are released, make sure to check out the publisher’s official site at www.magneticforce.com